Spare parts

Components - components used when installing and repairing a cooling system

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With the support of a large number of spare parts, which ensures the availability of spare parts for consumers for at least 10 years after the unit installation


Collaborate with online logistics transportation, we ensure delivery to Daikin Authorized Service Partner in a timely manner. We provide this support to be customer satisfaction No.1.

Spare Part Bank

Spare Parts Bank service support provides easy access for Authorized Service Partners to view product images, Part Numbers, prices, stocks, and access to technical literature.

Price List

With our spare parts distribution network spread nationwide and supported by a complete spare parts supply. We provide a price list to make it easy to purchase spare parts.

Daikin Part Shop (DPS)

With a distribution network spread nationwide. We continue to expand the Daikin Parts Shop (DPS) network to accelerate the distribution of spare parts and availability of stock. We selectively appoint our partners to join the DPS. This scheme generates additional benefits for DPS to build a long term spare parts business partnership. Contact the nearest after-sales Service Center to join the Daikin Part Shop.

With a nationwide Daikin Part Shop Network offering optimal service and support for customers. Use our location search to find your nearest Daikin parts store.