Refines the Air

The world has an infinite variety of places. Daikin believes that the air in each place should match the surrounding environment.
Therefore, we created something that allows us to manage the air, control its temperature, humidity, flow and cleanliness.

Recent research promises the ability to modulate sensory elements such as light and smell. We will always identify opportunities and seek solutions as we strive to make places in the world happier and more comfortable.

At Daikin, we discover something new every day. Because the solution is in the air.

The air is right for you
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01 The air is right for you

Automatically creates your favorite air and fills it throughout the room.

Daikin believes humidity is an important part of comfort. We have developed the original no-water support technology that keeps moisture without the support of water. Furthermore, it is equipped with AI operations to strengthen humidity control. It can learn the operating history of the wireless controller, the floor and wall temperatures can also be measured and the air is controlled for the temperature and humidity that suits you automatically.

The air is right for you
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02 Suitable air for the bed

The air that Daikin produces helps you get a good rest.
Comfortable air envelops the sleeper during the different cycles of each sleep. 
Daikin feels the sleeper's heartbeat, determines the sleep cycle and automatically controls the air to create an optimal environment. Within three or four hours after falling asleep, the body temperature drops, so the air is not too cold.
Before waking up, the body temperature rises, So the air doesn't have to be warm.
We study spaces that are conducive to good sleep by comprehensively controlling not only temperature but also light and sound in the room
The air is comfortable for studying
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03 The right air for studying

Automatically creates your favorite air and fills it throughout the room.

Daikin is researching to fill spaces with air that can help improve concentration for study.

Air factor that maintains concentration requires stimulation of temperature and smell. In fact, instead of keeping a constant temperature, the temperature is changed to wake people up and increase their concentration skills. Because of this, Daikin creates air that maintains the ability to concentrate through sharp temperature changes.

Furthermore, the test results showed that using scents to stimulate different aromas was effective at increasing concentration. Daikin is researching air that improves concentration quality by adjusting temperature and smell, as well as AI and other technologies.

The air is just right for a warm bedroom in summer
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04 The air is right for a warm bedroom in summer

By maintaining constant humidity throughout the night, the summer evenings in the room can be filled with comfortable air.

Sleep is an important time to support one's health. Optimal sleep has the power to improve the quality of daily life by increasing immunity and increasing work productivity. To sleep well even in the heat of summer, I want to make the bedroom comfortable with air conditioning. Continuous use of air conditioning may make the room too cold, However, there are also those who worry about the quality of sleep if I use a timer.

Daikin does not lower the temperature, but believes that if you control humidity constantly using air conditioning, you can overcome tropical nighttime sleeplessness even at higher temperature settings. Original Daikin technology continues to remove moisture without cooling the air too much. This controls the ambience of the room optimally throughout the night and creates a comfortable indoor environment.

5. Udara yang tepat untuk Ruang Keluarga
Suitable Air for the Living Room
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05 Suitable Air for the Living Room

Daikin controls heart rate “fluctuations” with technology that combines air temperature, humidity, airflow, cleanliness, odors, and so on, and fills the living room with relaxing air.

Daikin developed a sensor from scratch that measures relaxation rates to fill the living room with relaxing air.

It was "Airitmo",

Unique sensing technology that measures the level of relaxation. This is a chair type sensor that can measure heart rate information just by sitting. There is a tube-type pneumatic pressure sensor incorporated into the seat, which detects small vibrations of the body to study the person's heart rate, breathing and biographical information.

We measured the relaxation rate depending on the "fluctuation" of the heart rate interval. If we can control these "fluctuations" with air, we can help people relax.

Suitable Air for Hotel Rooms
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06 Suitable air for hotel rooms

By controlling the temperature according to your personal preference, the suitable air in the hotel room will be maintained.

This hotel is a place where various people come from all over the world. We have to provide comfortable space for everyone in every room. However, depending on differences in living environment and personal preferences, "Comfortable temperature" varies per person.

Daikin thought of air conditioners that could run heating and cooling modes in different rooms at any time, according to different preferences for each guest. Hotels need to provide comfortable air for the individual preferences of different guests.

Therefore, an unprecedented simultaneous cooling and heating operation by one outdoor unit is possible. Air conditioners were created to provide comfortable air based on people's preferences.

07 Udara yang tepat untuk kantor saat musim panas
The right air for the office during the summer
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07 Suitable air for the office in summer

By controlling not only temperature but humidity during ventilation, Daikin creates an office suitable for the hottest season.

Since Japan enacted an Environmental Law to save electricity during summer, 28 ° C is the recommended temperature setting for offices to save electricity.

Although ideally comfortable at 28 ° C, the fact is that many people consider it "still hot".

The reason why it feels hot is because of the high humidity. Through humidity control, we can achieve a comfortable environment even at high temperatures.

By integrating the "heat pump technology" developed through the development of the original air conditioning and drying technology, it is possible to simultaneously humidify and humidify with ventilation. By lowering the reasonable temperature through dehumidification, we create a comfortable office even at 28 ℃.

The air is just right for the image of life
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08 The air is suitable for the image of life

The "double-flow ceiling-mounted cassette type" can simultaneously blow airflow in both directions and can balance the two airflow balances like suppressing the airflow on one side of the room when no one is around.

There are various forms of Living-Dining-Kitchen, so that the problems that arise also vary.

For example, in the case of an open floor plan for the living and dining area, if the air conditioner is installed at the end of the living room, there is a need for better airflow to the dining area during the summer.

Daikin believes that if you control the airflow according to the layout and activity, you can always feel comfortable at all times.

Suitable air for large offices

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09 Suitable air for large offices

Comfortable air fills the entire room with air that is right for the office space.

In large offices, temperatures are irregular in places such as near doors, under air conditioning outlets, and near windows. Since there are a lot of people in the office, the air should be comfortable anywhere in the room.

To get rid of temperature irregularities, it is important to let the air conditioner run everywhere. However, conventional business air conditioners only blow in four directions creating a “blind spot for air flow”.

The Daikin blows around in 360 degrees to anticipate unreachable spots, minimizing uneven temperatures. Furthermore, by changing the current airflow, we are introducing an active airflow circulation. This can condition the air over a wider area quickly and evenly.

10. Udara yang tepat untuk Ruang keluarga dengan jendela luas
Suitable air for a family room with wide windows
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10 The right air for a family room with wide windows

Solves temperature irregularities with airflow and fills suitable air in a living room with large windows.

Rooms with large windows are bright and open. On the other hand, the bigger the window, the more heat radiation comes from outside, Temperature imbalances tend to occur near windows and cause air conditioning to be ineffective.

Daikin thought that the irregular temperature caused by the large windows could be solved by the airflow.So we developed a function to blow the airflow to the side of the window.

Ceiling-embedded cassette with single flow type and wall-mounted vertical airflow function eliminates temperature imbalances caused by thermal radiation from windows.

11. Udara yang tepat untuk Kapal Pengangkut Buah dan Sayuran
Suitable Air for Fruit and Vegetable Transport Ships
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11. Suitable air for ships transporting fruit and vegetables

To support human comfort and food storage, Daikin's technology will create an air that is suitable for the refrigerator to carry fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are distributed all over the world and it is necessary to undergo long boat trips.

To bring fruits and vegetables to shop fronts in pristine condition, we need technology to keep them fresh even during long transportation.

Daikin makes it possible to suppress respiration of fruits and vegetables to maintain freshness for longer. This will allow the vessel to carry fruit and vegetables further away for a longer time.

Changes in temperature and humidity are minimized in refrigerated containers by applying the inverter technology used in air conditioners. In addition, we inject very concentrated nitrogen gas from the outside, so we can control the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations. This allows it to suppress respiration of fruits and vegetables, resulting in more freshness.

The air is just right for Cool Winds
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12 The Right Air for Cool Winds

By integrating air conditioning and floor heating, the living room with stairs is filled with suitable air

The living room with stairs is a beautiful room with an open feeling. However, in winter, warm air builds up on the ceiling, and the feet tend to get cold too.

Daikin thinks it is necessary to efficiently warm from top to bottom of the room To enter the comfort of the feet while on the stairs.

"Air conditioner that heats strongly from above" and "Floor heating that warms from below" is integrated into one unit. First of all, I use full power to quickly air cool, When the room temperature is stable AC operation is shifted to low power by simply heating the floor. The atmosphere is assessed efficiently and adjusted gradually

Perfect Summer Air
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13 The right air for Summer

Daikin creates comfortable spaces not only inside the building but also outside with its technology.

The high temperature in summer is one of the important concerns in our country due to the large number of scheduled outdoor activities. As a manufacturer that specializes in air conditioning, Daikin takes on that challenge and develops a futuristic outdoor air conditioner. To cool the outdoor unit, it is a method of using water evaporation such as pouring water on the street to cool the area, but this futuristic outdoor air conditioner unit will cool the air by means of a humidification process with a heat exchanger. 

For conventional outdoor air conditioning units used on construction sites and some similar locations only 1-way gusts at a very short distance can be cooled. However, the Daikin outdoor air conditioner unit will provide cool air in all four directions. So that within 3m can be more comfortable loading.

Suitable air for the room in summer
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14. The right air for the room in summer

14. Udara yang tepat untuk ruangan di musim panas
Daikin calls it Daikin's new temperature at 28 ° C.

This is a thermograph of a reasonable temperature. Maintain temperature at 28 ° C, 60% humidity is cooler than 85% humidity. This is because sweat will not evaporate if humidity is high, skin temperature does not drop if you sweat further. Conversely, when humidity is low, sweat tends to evaporate and skin temperature decreases. 

Therefore, based on this fact, Daikin creates comfortable air. Even though many people feel hot at 28 ° C, with humidity control technology, it feels like the temperature is lower.

Suitable air for the office
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15. Suitable air for the office

Daikin changes the way you work anywhere with air.

Increasing productivity is the main concern of various companies. Daikin has started working to fill the office with the appropriate temperature, humidity, airflow, air cleanliness and aroma, in order to increase concentration and productivity.

If the office is filled with air conducive to work, Daikin is sure you will have a new way of working. Daikin learns to collaborate with external research organizations and companies to achieve the ideal environment.

It is being developed with the aim of commercialization by 2020