Submission of Daikin's continued donation in handling Covid-19 in Indonesia. Mr. Budi Mulia, Director of Finance and Other Services of PT Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia together with Mr. Giam Tee Kiat, President Director of PT Daikin Applied Solutions Indonesia who also represents PT Daikin Manufacturing Indonesia, this morning received at the same time handing over the Donation of Personal Protective Equipment and N95 Health Masks to the National Brain Center (PON) Hospital.

This donation is given directly to dr. Mursyid Bustami, Sp.S (K), KIC, MARS as the President Director at the National Brain Center Hospital (PON) Jakarta who was present with the team, including dr. Adin Nulkhasanah Sp.S, MARS as Medical Director of PON Hospital and dr. Nizar Yamanie Sp.S (K) as Chairman of the PON Hospital Medical Committee.

This is Daikin's continued donation program. This is done in order to care for and appreciate the vanguard of all health workers including; doctors, nurses, lab workers to the cleaning service on duty.

"We really appreciate them, the vanguard of health in their efforts to accelerate the recovery of Covid19 patients, I hope this donation can help" said Mr. Budi Mulia, Director of Finance and Other Services at PT Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia.

#BeyondComforting #DaikinAsliJepang #AgainstCovid19

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