Daikin Prepares Prospective Company Leaders with a Leadership Program

The air conditioning business in Indonesia is predicted to continue to grow. Air conditioning manufacturing companies have also prepared a number of business plans, although currently in a situation of limitations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia is still underway. Kaikin Airconditioning Indonesia, an air conditioning company from Japan, is still preparing the company's expansion plans. The company's expansion plan was realized with one of its programs, named Daikin Young Shining Star (Daikin YSS). Through Daikin YSS, Daikin prepares prospective new leaders to strengthen and support the company's future development plans.

For employees selected in the Daikin YSS program, they are required to go through a series of leadership program training. These prospective leaders have the opportunity to accelerate their leadership potential.

Overview of the leadership program of Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia

The leadership training program at Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia is designed not only to develop the potential of employees, but also to support the company's business plan.

Participants will be trained in leadership from basic principles (basic) to leadership functions and roles in the company. So that after this training, the participants can implement it according to their respective duties and roles.

Participants in the leadership program are employees at the level of Supervisor (Spv) to assistant managers in all divisions. In addition, they are less than 35 years old, a criterion for indicating the participants.

The training method is quite fun designed. Namely through the method of role play and practice, group discussions, lectures, mentoring and project presentations.

Some of the basic leadership materials taught include teamwork, communication, empowerment and task delegation, to motivational techniques. In addition, of course, the prospective leaders are introduced to the values, vision and mission of Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia.

Employees who are selected as Daikin Young Shining Star, will be divided into several groups. Each group will be given a special task to resolve issues in the company that are still pending. This is done by submitting a proposal from the research that was carried out as a whole. Proposals that meet the criteria will be fully supported and funded for their activities. This is how we, PT Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia, develop and motivate our young future leaders, educate, empower and build confidence in themselves.

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