Daikin Indonesia 50th Anniversary Photo Contest

Commemorating Daikin Indonesia 50th Anniversary in creating comfort for all Indonesian families, we invite you to follow #DaikinIndonesia50thAnniversaryPhotoContest to share your version of comfort stories, with the following terms and conditions:

  1. Upload photos with family or other closest people on your social media account (Instagram)
  2. Tell me about your struggles while adapting in the #newnormal phase and how you found comfort in this pandemic moment
  3. Participants must follow social media @daikinindonesia, Facebook Fanpage Daikin Indonesia
  4. Tag 5 of your friends in the post
  5. Include the hashtag: #ShapingPeoplesComfort, #DaikinIndonesia50thAnniversary, #PhotoContest, #DaikinAsliJapan
  6. Winners will be selected based on the best photos and stories
  7. Prizes in the form of Gopay Balance worth IDR 500,000 per person for the best 50 winners
  8. Period November 14 - December 13, 2020
  9. The decision cannot be contested

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