Consulting AC Central for housing through Daikin Proshop Indonesia

Without realizing it, air conditioning has started to become a primary need for housing, but with the development of time, consumers' desire to create beautiful home designs, as a whole, is often disturbed by the presence of air conditioning that is seen sticking to the wall.

Not many consumers know that Central AC is a solution to creating comfortable air as well as the beauty of residential interior design because the split wall unit model is the most common air conditioner model in Indonesia & Central AC is synonymous with large capacity air conditioning for buildings. Therefore, Daikin innovates by presenting AC Central products for housing which we call DAIKIN HOME CENTRAL.

DAIKIN HOME CENTRAL AC is a premium air conditioner for residential with modern technology that can be controlled individually via a device connected to the internet network and can be connected to various kinds of indoor AC models to support the beauty of the interior.

Actually there are many benefits that can be obtained by AC DAIKIN HOME CENTRAL, including: 

  1. Realizing the beauty of interior design, namely a more even distribution of air
  2. Installation flexibility that can be combined with fresh air and filtration so as to distribute clean and healthy air quality into the home.
  3. Premium inverter technology that can save electricity up to 40% lower than AC with standard systems.

For more information about Home central AC products, installations and other information, visit the Daikin Proshop Indonesia website page. Link to the Daikin Proshop website:

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